Bohemian Visions

Category: Bohemian Visions Photography

Only 4% Of Women Feel This Way...And It's Extremely Heartbreaking

September 4, 2020

The decision to do a boudoir photography session is a personal one; motivated by a variety of factors. Despite its growth in popularity, Boudoir photography is a very scary concept for some people. It’s even scarier when women don’t see themselves aligned with societal standards of beauty. As a boudoir photographer, my job is to provide an experience for people that creates a safe space for them to capture their sensuality and connect with a side of themselves that is often neglected. Do I take pictures of naked people if they request them? Yes. Am I personally uncomfortable with nudity in general? No. About four percent of the female population are comfortable with their bodies. They don’t rely on the opinions of society to determine their value and worth by their external appearance. Personally, it’s a liberating feeling not being glued to a mirror picking apart every part of my body. 

Prior to becoming a Professional Photographer, I was in the Army. I was 17 years old and I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into. I wanted to get out of my hometown, explore and travel the world.  At the time I was very insecure about my own body. I would nitpick at everything I perceived to be a flaw in my body. At the time the standard of beauty was either very slim and tall or curvy with a 36/24/36 hourglass body. I was neither. I was your classic athletic coke bottle/pear shape. Nudity wasn’t a big deal but I struggled with how I perceived myself based on the world’s stereotypes of beauty and the media’s incessant depiction of it. I saw myself as overweight with big thighs and rolls on my belly. 

The day I took a shower with 50 other women was the first time I realized my flaws, and that areas of my body I didn’t like were in turn features another woman wanted. I wanted larger breasts while another woman wanted my hips and booty. Over the years my weight fluctuated and the same conversations occurred in the showers. I hate this about my body. I wish I had that body or body part. Eventually, I realized popular standards of beauty were a farce and unrealistic goals for women to achieve, in particular body composition that did not reflect good health or medical advice. What was deemed ugly or unacceptable is now coveted and women are paying money to have their bodies surgically enhanced. Realizing what I don’t like another woman is wishing she had, my insecurities died and I began to love and accept my flaws. 

Despite gaining and losing weight and my body changing as I matured. Eventually, I learned how to love myself first. Understanding and being aware that what makes me unique overall is my ability to embrace myself and love all of me. Loving myself is my special superpower since I don’t need external validation to feel beautiful. Over time the obsession over the number on the scale became a non-factor. Whether I am a size 7 (my smallest) or a size 22 (my heaviest) I loved my body and my confidence made me feel sexy. Since leaving the Army I have been more focused on optimal mental, physical and emotional health — now is the time for me to live my best life. On my terms and by my rules.

The most heartbreaking thing I see on a regular basis since becoming a photographer is reactions from both men and women regarding their appearance. Whether it’s digital ads to attract potential clients or sharing content from my latest photoshoot I see these comments.  “I’m not pretty enough for Boudoir”, “I’m too fat,” “I’m not the standard of beauty”. These comments on my sponsored posts are all too common. No matter how many campaigns, celebrities, or influencers promote body positivity and self love, there’s an opposite entity that counters it. So many women and young girls are spending thousands of dollars on lip fillers and other plastic surgery procedures to look like their favorite celebrities and social media influencers. Women are not the only victims of poor self-image.  Men struggle with the insecurities of not having six pack abs, a defined chest, or muscular back. Men won’t consider a solo Boudoir session because it puts them face to face with insecurities regarding their bodies that money, status, and power can not hide.

Providing a service that allows people to have a safe space to embrace the sensual side of themselves is the most rewarding aspect of my profession. Getting people to see themselves in a sensual state is a challenge that I love helping my clients overcome. However, it is a steep hill. Being in the business of promoting self love and inner strength through sensuality, I see a lot of insecurities projected unto others through social media. People tearing each other down for nothing more than just jealousy. What’s ironic is the same people behind their phones and sending ugly messages struggle with how they look. Many won’t post a full body photo of themselves online. No matter how many times I tell a person they are beautiful and amazing they don’t see it in themselves. It doesn’t matter how many likes and comments they recieve on a posted picture they can’t see it. Because they can’t see past the object of their insecurities. The never ending cycle to self loathing and hatred mixed with the desire to achieve an unrealistic beauty standard is there. 

Self love and confidence feeds your self esteem. When you love yourself you set concrete boundaries. As you value your new sense of self, you will recognize shallow, transactional relationships that deprive you of being your best. You will see and be able to separate yourself from toxic, narcissistic people who don’t care or have your best interest. Self love begets self respect: it allows you to truly live in the real world and value meaningful relationships. It gives you the strength to walk away from situations and people who don’t value you. 

For my clients who make the leap and schedule a session they almost always tell me how much they appreciate feeling like a goddes.  Having this whole new found sense of confidence and self love. It’s the most rewarding feeling to plant a seed that will allow a person to truly see themselves. 

It’s more than just a boudoir session. At day’s end, it’s about truly being free to love yourself the way you are. To remind yourself you are beautiful and sexy flaws and all. Don’t ever forget that. It’s the ability to see yourself as someone who is worthy of the world and demand it. If you want to be a part of the 4% and find that great love inside of you, reach out to set up a consultation today. 

Do you, Be you, Love you    

The Reluctant Client: How to Push Your Past Your Hesitation & Fear

photo of woman wearing gray bra

Your friend just shot a Boudoir Session with Bohemian Visions and she is raving about how amazing the experience was and how great she felt. She gives you the play by play of the entire evening. She tells you about how she was greeted by the photographer, hair, and makeup team. The location was high end and the entire experience was a fantasy that came true. She continues to gush about the experience and she can’t wait to see her completed album. A few weeks go by and her album arrives. A leather-bound cover with her name engraved in the front. Your friend is in tears because she loves her album and allows you to look. You can’t help but notice the quality of the album, thick pages, leather cover, and how amazing her photos look. Your mouth almost dropped. She is practically glowing; surprised at how amazing the photos look. You agree that she does indeed look amazing. 

Photo by cottonbro on

Your friend turns to you and says, “you look amazing and have a great body. You should do one too. You have a birthday coming up and when was the last time you were spoiled and pampered?” Looking at your friend you are thinking, “she is right.” She whips out her phone, shows you the website and assures you Bohemian Visions is the best option. The experience and moment will leave you feeling like a goddess. To ensure you didn’t forget you searched the website on your phone and bookmarked it. Later that night you comb through the entire website and social media. You later learned the photographer has a Youtube Channel and want to get to know her and the team. 

Reflecting back on your friend’s excitement and the extra pep in her step you think to yourself,  your birthday is in a couple of months and it’s been a long time since you were spoiled and pampered the way your friend described. Before you click on the consultation link and schedule an appointment you freeze. All of your insecurities come flooding in and you begin to second guess yourself. You begin questioning “Why should you do it? “Am I pretty.enough?” Fit enough?” “Sexy enough?”

Boudoir photography is very intimidating for a lot of people. Society and its standard of beauty and sexiness changes with each decade.  Changing fads drive people to extreme diets and visits to the neighborhood plastic surgeon. Social media doesn’t help the situation either.  As a woman I am not exempt from those insecurities. With wisdom and maturity I have learned to take control of how I view my body and learned to love my flaws and imperfections. 

Focused on Inclusion & Body Positivity

photo of woman standing near wall
Photo by Jennifer Enujiugha on

As a boudoir photographer, I have seen all shapes and sizes of the human form. I say human form because it doesn’t matter what you identify as because you have the unalienable right to deserve to feel your best. It’s about inclusion and acceptance. Bohemian Visions is geared towards everyday people in all sizes and shapes. Men, Women, and Couples who want to feel sensual and sexy and connect with themselves. People regardless of what they identify as who want to celebrate a milestone or want a sexy unique gift for their spouses/ partners. The majority of the clientele are women. I shoot very few male clients outside of couple sessions. Even though I tell women who are interested in a session they are beautiful and sexy just the way they are there is still reluctance and hesitation.  

photo of topless man and woman hugging each other
Photo by Ana Maria Moroz on

I will be unapologetically candid. Boudoir photography is a scary situation if you already don’t like having your photos taken. If you have major insecurities about your body a Boudoir photoshoot will be a far reach. You start zeroing in and focusing on parts of your body that you don’t like whether it’s the cellulite on your thighs, the shape of your breasts, or your abdomen — it all becomes glaringly magnified. All women including myself have an area of their body they wish would not be there. Many don’t realize some of those “flaws” are attributed to fighting gravity, an injury, or growing older. So what is causing people to be reluctant about celebrating themselves in a sensual and sexy manner?

It’s even more difficult looking for representation you can see yourself in. It’s not just women who have issues with their bodies; men do too. Many who identify as men feel they have to look a certain way or have a particular set of features in order to take semi nude to nude portraits. Then there is the reluctance in the LGBT community due to lack of representation or finding a photographer who is welcoming without being creepy, phobic, or just flat out weird. Bohemian Visions is very inclusive and believes in creating a safe space where you can both be vulnerable and at your very best. 

How do you push past your hesitation?

photo of woman wearing gray bra
Photo by Retha Ferguson on

So what is holding you back from crossing off a Boudoir Session from your bucket list? Is it body image? Judgment from friends and family members? Is it finding the right photographer you can trust and feel comfortable with? If it’s a body image concern, remember there is only one of you and that fact makes you unique and special. There are people who spend thousands on plastic surgery to look like someone else. That money could be saved with a good therapist. You would be surprised how many people have wanted body parts someone else has and doesn’t want. There is someone in the world spending money on a plastic surgeon for features you were born with. Focus on what you love about yourself and what areas of your body you appreciate or what parts of your body appeal to your partner if it’s a gift for them. Self-love starts with self.  Is it fear of judgment? I will put this very bluntly — fuck what anyone thinks. Live your life sweetheart. We live in a society where people find insult in a litter of newborn puppies. Their judgment of you and how you live your life is a reflection of their insecurities or personal hang-ups that seriously has nothing to do with you. 

Is it finding a photographer who you feel safe and comfortable with? Research all the potential photographers in your area. Do you want a male or female photographer? How do they feel about you bringing a friend? Before you commit to a photographer, check out their work, ask a lot of questions. I mean a lot of questions. If you don’t feel comfortable with the vibe listen to and trust your gut instincts.   

It’s absolutely ok to be nervous and excited about your photoshoot. These emotions are more common than you think. Just remember you are beautiful and sexy in your own unique way. Confidence and self esteem are the two most sensual and sexy features a person possesses. When you decide to book a session with Bohemian Visions you will have a team of professionals who are focused on having you feel like a celebrity goddess. Your album will be a reminder you can push past the fear and reluctance providing that extra boost of confidence that will make you do anything you put your heart and mind to. 

Remember you are fierce and fabulous you are unique and amazing. What ever you decide to do, make sure your heart is in it. Your happiness is all that matters.

Until next time 
Do you, Be you, Love you. 

Celebrate with Bridal Boudoir: The Perfect Intimate Wedding Gift

Photo by cindy baffour on Unsplash

Bridal Boudoir could be the perfect wedding gift for your spouse?

What could be a better way to not only celebrate yourself but to give a customized, intimate gift to your soon to be spouse? Bridal Boudoir.

Celebrate your love and surprise your spouse with the ultimate intimate wedding gift – Bridal Boudoir. This personalized and sensual photo session captures your beauty and confidence, creating a gift that will be cherished for a lifetime. Show your partner just how much they mean to you with this unique and unforgettable gesture.

Looking for the perfect wedding gift for your spouse? What could be a better way to not only celebrate yourself but to give a customized, intimate gift to your soon to be spouse? Bridal Boudoir. Celebrate your love and surprise your spouse with the ultimate intimate wedding gift – Bridal Boudoir. This personalized and sensual photo session captures your beauty and confidence, creating a gift that will be cherished for a lifetime. Show your partner just how much they mean to you with this unique and unforgettable gesture.

Capture the essence of your love story with a personalized wedding album, meticulously designed to showcase your most cherished moments. Each page is a testament to your journey, immortalizing the laughter, tears, and joy that have defined your relationship. This exquisite gift will serve as a beautiful reminder of your special day, shared with those who matter most.

Bridal boudoir continues to grow fast in popularity. While most brides-to-be would default to their wedding photographer to do their boudoir session, there is value in finding a separate photographer (like me 😁) who specializes in boudoir photography to help you unlock and accentuate your sensuality. A Bridal Boudoir session is the perfect gift –  it’s unique, priceless, and very personal. 

Just like a regular Boudoir session, a Bridal shoot is intimate and customized to your desires. You are celebrating a very special moment in your life with your nuptials and this session will complement the theme of your wedding beautifully. 

woman in lingerie lying face down on bed
Gift for your spouse

Do your research. Select a photographer who is professional, personable, but most importantly  will make you feel comfortable and safe. Select a photographer that will listen to your needs and concerns and understand and know how to pose you in the most appropriate and flattering way that will make you feel your best. Selecting a photographer who specializes in Boudoir would be the most sensible choice. Just think about it for a minute. Would you want a Dentist performing a major operation on your wrist versus a specialty surgeon? Both went to medical school but specialized in two very different aspects of your body. You want the right person for the right job.

Bridal Boudoir is special because it focuses on tying elements of your personality, your wedding themes  and your soon to be spouse’s personality into your session. There is no 100% right or wrong way; it’s all about style and preference. Your session can be before your wedding or after based on your schedule and budget. It can be all white, your fiance’s favorite colors, your wedding colors, or all the colors in the rainbow — it’s all about what you want. 

Photo by Oz Seyrek on Unsplash

By incorporating wedding elements, personality and style of the newlyweds, we create the perfect, intimate gift to give the love of your life for their eyes only. It is the ultimate one of a kind gift that will be forever cherished by you and the recipient of your affection.

Bridal Boudoir specializes in capturing the essence of your personality and wedding theme in a unique and customized photo session. Whether you choose to have the session before or after your wedding, the style and color scheme can be tailored to your preferences. The goal is to create a personalized, intimate gift that will be treasured by both you and your spouse for a lifetime.

A key difference between a Bridal Boudoir and a Regular Boudoir session are the props. The bouquet, veil, garter, and jewels from your wedding day are supporting characters in your sexy story. Clothing that belongs to your fiancee is also an option. It doesn’t really matter. Your Boudoir Photographer will  provide assistance in preparing for your session. Oftentimes white lingerie would be worn, but I recommend you wear whatever makes you comfortable.  This could include your wedding colors, your favorite colors or your spouse’s.

Whether you are doing it for your spouse or you and your spouse, the secret to a successful shoot is to enjoy the moment and let your natural sensuality show.  If you are interested in a gift that can allow your wedding day passion to last for a lifetime, reach out and let’s set up a consultation.  

Until then
Do you, Be you, Love you.

Unspoken Character & Place for Everything: Picking the Best Photo Location

green trees near white 2-story house

The location of a Photoshoot is one of the most important aspects of any quality session. It sets the mood and establishes the story the photos are trying to convey. For Bohemian Visions, it ties into our overall aesthetic and the feelings associated with a customized, high-quality photoshoot. When planning a Boudoir or Portrait session, the location is included in the package and geared towards the personality or theme of both the subject and the photoshoot. If it is a glamour session for a campaign, the location serves primarily for the mood and feel to attract future clients. If it is a client session, the location is based on their personality and the theme that drives the session.

For the adventurous, photographing at multiple locations breaks up the monotony and gives a sense of excitement to the team and the client. I love picking locations that have personality and charm. It helps tell the story of the session versus just being at a random location with a limited amount of time. 

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Hotels, Air BnBs, and or the client’s home are just a couple of places I like to do photoshoots. The location is one of the principle characters, that is essential to the evolution of the story. One of the certain things I look for when selecting a location is space. Open spacious bedrooms, sitting rooms, and living rooms are a starter for setting the ambience. Large, full length mirrors can capture reflections and various perspectives. Mirrors also give a sensual spin to candid moments. Even though I prefer large spaces, small ones conversely give a sense of intimacy and closeness. Dim lighting and candlelight gives off a romantic ambiance with the use of shadows and lines.

Locations with lots of windows offer natural lighting. I also like shooting from outside through a window to give a sensation of voyeurism.  When the client makes eye contact with my camera then it changes to exhibitionism. This is especially sexy if I want to convey the fantasy and excitement of being watched versus being a watcher. Cityscapes and skylines offer a texture that’s noisy but calm. Sunsets through treelines on a back patio give a feeling of escape and serenity.  Outdoors during Golden hour when the skies are clear gives an air of relaxation and calmness.

Furniture pieces such as chairs, chaise lounges, sofas and beds can also be a character in the story. Vintage pieces offer texture and depth, especially oversized furniture.

While I am generally liberal about the desires of a client, there are places I will not shoot under any circumstances. Plantations are at the top of (and currently the sole occupants) of my list. The deep-rooted history associated with chattel slavery, to include its brutality, murder, and genocide, makes this a hard pass. No matter how beautiful the architecture, the stain from the blood of my ancestors will never wash away. Many may not understand or agree, but to me, it’s about moral principles. It’s the only location I have a serious issue with doing a photoshoot regardless of the situation. While I typically choose the location and cover the cost of the rental. I do give my clients the option to select a location. I do communicate my objections and reasons. I have yet run into an issue regarding a location but if the client is insistent on having their session at a plantation property I will politely decline the job together. I cannot compromise my morals for money. 

Photo by Adam Kring on Unsplash

Outdoor venues come with some specific challenges. First, is the location legal to photograph? Many require permits and licenses. Some locations require additional fees to shoot. Is there heavy pedestrian traffic? There is nothing worse than spending an unnecessary amount of time photoshopping people out of the frame. Time and weather will always have a vote. You are at the mercy of the venue’s hours of operations. When it comes to outdoors nudes and boudoir is a tricky balance. You don’t want to get entangled with the police. While guerrilla photoshoots add an element of excitement and adventure it’s not worth being arrested, fined, or charged with various crimes.    

In short, these are a few of the considerations I take to ensure that the location of your shoot adds to the magic of the moment versus being a distraction. Great photography is more of an art than science and I look forward to using my artistic intuition to bring your photos to life. 

Do you, Be you, Love you 
Bohemian Life 

Capturing The Moment: Secrets Of A Great Boudoir Session

Have you ever ordered something and when you got to the bottom of the package you found an extra surprise? A liquor cordial. An extra dollar bill. Even an additional chicken nugget for your five-piece order. Do you remember how good that felt? Whether it was the icing on the cake of a fabulous day or a moment of serenity in life’s storm, it likely released endorphins within our bodies that left us feeling wonderful.  Sometimes, experiences like these that bring a rush of positive energy are far few and in between. Imagine a day spent listening to your favorite songs while getting your hair and makeup done, or your outfit prepped for as you walk into a location that fits your theme or fantasy. 

Now imagine feeling your best while being cheered on for looking amazing. And at the end of that day, you look in a mirror or at a photo and see yourself for the first time. A side of you that probably has been hidden for a while. How would you feel if you had that extra boost of confidence or pizzazz? How would your relationships, career, and self-esteem change knowing you are on top of your game. This is how Bohemian Visions creates the endorphin rush and experience that will be the beginning of a new and more confident you. 


Shooting a Boudoir session is capturing a person at their best in their most vulnerable state.  Clients decide they want to book a session for a wide variety of reasons. But they all have one thing in common: they want to connect with the most intimate, sensual side of themselves.  

As a photographer, I am focused on creating a themed setting that reflects the client in their primal, authentic self. I like to incorporate elements of their style and personality into the session. Every detail is important. The music, location, and setting they must tell a story that showcases the client and conveys a certain vibe or message. It’s about igniting and awakening a side of you that’s been repressed.

Prior to a session, there is a great deal of research conducted. It is a collaborative effort with the client to ensure their session is the best experience they ever had. The devil is in the details and I am a stickler for it. Every aspect of their session is designed to be about them and for them. To truly see themselves. It’s all about the total experience.  

On the day of the session, the client is welcomed with five star amenities. It’s about incorporating all of their senses into the session to create the ultimate experience. Oftentimes they are nervous and excited and they can’t believe it’s happening. I focus on making sure they are comfortable and having a great time. I like to play music and crack jokes; the Glam Team and I use the prep time to make you the client feel like a celebrity.  

Each client session is unique and each client has a special story about them. With every session, I love shooting the eyes and the various expressions they show. What naughty secret they haven’t told? Who is the object of their desire? I love capturing the sensuality of a person; especially as the eyes communicate the yearnings of the soul.

Every frame I photograph for a subject or a client I want to be worthy of being framed on the wall. 

If you are looking for a natural rush like this that sustains good feeling and promotes a positive self-image, let’s do a complimentary consultation and see how I can create the best photoshoot session for you. My team and I look forward to helping you forge an incredible memory that makes you feel amazing all over. 

Do you, Be you, Love you
Bohemian Life 

Male Boudoir: Men You Deserve to Feel Sexy and be Naked Too.

Imagine spending a year working on improving your self-care regimen, fitness, and overall well being. Training for a marathon, preparing for a new position at work with increased visibility and responsibility. You are feeling and looking your best in decades. Friends and family commenting on how good you look. Your walk has a little extra pep in your step. Your newfound physical, mental, and emotional changes are spilling over to all aspects of your personal and professional life. Even your spouse is seeing a difference in “performance.” So how do you celebrate this new sense of self? You truly deserve to treat yourself to something special or even a gift to the spouse to celebrate this new phase in your life. Something to look back on and truly be proud of.   

Boudoir Photography is often associated with women. They do it for themselves or a gift to their spouse.  Boudoir photographers promote self-love, empowerment, and self-discovery. It’s more than just taking pictures. It is a way of seeing your true self in an intimate way. In a society where everyone is subjected to the pressures of an unrealistic beauty standard. Embracing your flaws and imperfections is hard. While the standard of beauty has been primarily geared towards women, we often forget to ask, “What about the men?”

sexy men GIF

Men deserve to have a moment to feel sexy and appreciated without the pressure society places on their shoulders. Contrary to what society portrays, men are body conscious as well. When discussing the idea to a man who isn’t a model, the number of reasons to not do it was quite surprising. Ranging from body consciousness to needing to lose weight. 

Many are insecure about their frame, shape, and weight. Personally, I don’t blame them. Society says in order to be deemed attractive men are required to have chiseled abs, a defined chest, and a toned body.  What about the men who don’t possess those physical attributes? Are they deemed worthy? Jokes about the soft “Dad Bod” are made toward male celebrities who have gained weight. It is referenced to poke fun at their diminished physique. But what about the everyday dad or husband who doesn’t have the physical features society via the mainstream media deemed sexy and alluring; the so-called “Dad Bod”? 

sexy washboard abs GIF

The pressure to perform at a high caliber can be for most mentally exhausting and crushing. The workplace, at home, in bed. When was the last time you really felt appreciated in a safe space? To be yourself stripped down of the titles and roles? Where does a man go to feel appreciated, spoiled, and pampered even for a day, without the pressure and stress of performing? Not required to make decisions, fix problems, or lead? While many defaults to the status quo to escape the nuances of societal pressures, are you free to be your true self?

Men participating in a Boudoir photoshoot isn’t exclusive to just young aspiring models, fitness models, or underwear campaigns. Like women it’s about discovering who you are stripped down of roles and titles coming face to face. It’s seeing yourself at your best in a safe vulnerable space. While sports and exercise are a good form of self-care, there is a certain level of competition to perform.

Like women, the amount of skin shown is all dictated by the client. From t-shirt and boxers to just full-on nudity is all the comfort of the client. A Boudoir session is not pornography. Many photographers to include me have limitations on what will be photographed. Anything that borders on pornography is an absolute no. Safety is another concern. In the age of the #MeToo era, total professionalism is important to avoid any uncomfortable situations that can lead to any legal issues. Avoid being a creep. Nudity is no more uncomfortable for men than women. The difference is men don’t publicly advertise it as frequently as women. Unlike women who can share their insecurities. Men don’t.    

awkward the shining GIF

Men like women deserve a space to see themselves in their authentic form. Feeling pampered and spoiled. To celebrate milestones and overcoming struggles and obstacles that may have had crushing effects. Purchasing a Boudoir session for yourself or a loved one is a personal and unique gift to celebrate a special milestone. Let’s end the notion that Boudoir is not only for women it’s for everyone to feel comfortable in their own skin.   

So if the idea of investing in yourself while being pampered and spoiled crosses your mind, let’s have a conversation. Don’t be the person who ends up regretting an opportunity to celebrate an important milestone. Check out some male boudoir sessions here. Come schedule a consultation and let’s have a conversation to create a day special and unique for you. Looking forward to having a conversation. 

Do You, Be you, Love you
Bohemian Life     

Value Your Photographs Now, Don’t Wait.

Photographs have a way of evoking all sorts of strong emotions. Especially when losing someone you love. All of my family photos are more than five years old. The photo that hurts the most is my grandfather, my G-Pop. I am super close to my grandfather. He was a super cool dude. As a teenager, he taught me how to play bones and cards. He spilled all the dirt on my mother who claimed to be such an angel. My time away from home working and building a name for myself took me away much longer than expected. I will never forget my last phone call with my G-Pop. I told him I was going to be home to visit and we were going to spend the day shooting. I never thought he would die days before my trip to see him. 

His death hurt me to the soul. I thought I had more time. I kept putting it off. I kept delaying coming home because of this work event that had a work deadline. When my G-Pop died a part of me died too. His photo hangs on the wall as a reminder even though the people we love are not physically with us, their memories continue to live through photos. I wished I would have taken more current professional photos of him. 

Professional Family Photos

Professional photos document important moments in your life. Even people who dislike taking pictures soon realize and regret not taking more photos of that important moment. As kids have grown up and had children of their own, getting adult children together has proven to be a challenge. Some couples can’t seem to get all their adult children for one portrait together.    

With businesses shut down and limited to just essential establishments, you will have to revisit your bucket list to find those moments that you want to be captured professionally. Instead of dwelling on major events being missed, use this moment to start planning for your photo session.  The Class of 2020 for both high school and college still have an opportunity to make up for the moments missed. It’s easy to get upset about missed social gatherings normally associated with graduations, engagements, and anniversaries, Family photos at these special moments and others are just examples of why it’s important to not to miss out. Kids grow up, family members pass away. Now is a better time than ever to start booking a session with a professional photographer.

Photo by Annie Spratt Professional Family Portrait

Once the quarantine has been lifted and all businesses have resumed normal schedules, take the time to start booking your local professional photographer. No more putting off that special shoot. Graduations, proms, and other important dates have probably passed. I would advise that don’t miss out on the opportunity to still take photos to cherish your moment through other services that professional photographers may be able to provide. Throw that graduation party, take those graduation photos. That boudoir session, mommy/daughter portrait session don’t wait. Don’t put it off any longer. Time is fleeting more now than ever;  don’t wake up one moment and realize those special moments should have been documented professionally.  

Don’t let time pass you by and leave with regrets. The pandemic has definitely thrown a curveball in everyone’s plans. Let this moment be a reminder that time cannot be replaced, it is lost forever. So what do you have to lose? Let’s get on the phone with a free consultation and book a professional who will capture your most precious moments. 

Do you, Be you, Love you
Bohemian Life

Igniting Your Self-Worth With An Amazing Boudoir Photoshoot

woman in bikini lying on gray corner sofa

Many people don’t know that Boudoir is French defined as a woman’s private sitting room or bedroom. Some people recognize Boudoir as a genre of photography that is sensual or sexual. Others see it as nude photography. The majority of the time it is taken of women but men and couples participate as well. Despite this style of photography have been around for 100 years. Many don’t know what it is. When I tell people what type of photography I shoot I still get asked what it is. The most simplified answer I give is intimate portrait photography in various stages of undress. It ranges from T-shirt and shorts or fully nude. It’s all about the client(s) level of comfort.

Photo by Yohann LIBOT on Unsplash

As a  Professional Boudoir Photographer, I will tell you its more than just taking pictures. It’s about connecting or reconnecting with yourself on an intimate level. Boudoir photography isn’t without its own set of challenges. Some people feel its just a way for pervert photographers to see women naked. A means to kidnap women or force women into sex trafficking. I would be lying if that wasn’t the case. A small number of men with cameras who claim to be photographers have done it and the risk is there. Like other scams as a potential client do your thorough research. Be diligent in asking all questions. 

Once you decide you want to do a Boudoir photoshoot, research the photographer. Do they have a website outside of social media? Are there customer testimonials and reviews like Google, Youtube, Yelp, or Bing? What type of women is in their gallery/portfolio “models” or “regular” everyday women? Are you comfortable having a man or a woman photographer? What type of services, packages are offered? Most important can you bring a friend? As a photographer, I would caution hiring a photographer that refuses to have a friend or partner come to your session. Especially if the location in their home. If you are not comfortable with this policy do speak up. This is your session don’t allow anyone to make you feel uncomfortable. 

So you have selected your photographer, schedule your consultation, and now anxiety, fear, self-consciousness, excitement is all going through your mind. I will tell you those feelings are completely normal. You are not alone. During your consultation ask all the questions, you can think of. Trust me these are nothing new many times some questions are so common they are located in the FAQ on the website. 

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Ask yourself do you feel comfortable with the photographer during the initial conversation? Are you comfortable with them photographing you in the most flattering way? Do you feel comfortable having a stranger take pictures of you in lingerie or less? Trust your gut if there is a lemon poppy seed of doubt move on. There are plenty of other photographers. Are they experienced in photographing women of all sizes? Are their services inside of your price range? If the answer is yes and you are ready its time to make the leap. You pay your deposit and schedule your photoshoot. 

You go home and look in the mirror and now fear and anxiety start to go into overdrive. Every scar, stretchmark, and imperfections seem to magnify. Insecurity begins to take over. STOP!!!!! Breathe!!! Take a deep breath. There is no such thing as perfection. Refocus on why you wanted to do this. Remember what it was that gave you the idea to do this.  Your deposit is paid you are all in. You are beautiful your partner tells you this already. You get compliments from strangers. You are amazing, your Kid(s) show you this. Remember every commercial photo of celebrities and influencers is photoshopped. This includes social media posts. It’s layered with filters and Facetune modifications. Many of them go under the knife to look like each other. You are a special gem. 

It’s the day of your session you are nervous and that is perfectly ok. Those feelings are very normal. Your hair looks amazing, your makeup is beautiful. Your outfit is selected. Your photographer will ensure you are comfortable and will take a few frames to check the lighting and composition. You will be guided and assisted. Soon your session is over. You have seen your photos and you are in love. You didn’t think you could look so beautiful. You didn’t think you can be seen as sexy. Yet you are. When I do a reveal with my clients I show them the unedited photos to reassure them of their beauty. Editing should only focus on color correction and enhancements. Any major changes to the client’s body completely defeat the purpose of body positivity. 

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Your so call imperfections is what makes you uniquely you. You don’t need to lose any more weight. Your photographer is a professional and will listen to your concerns. They will shoot you in the most flattering way and make you feel amazing and comfortable. Your fears and concerns will go away halfway through your session. The positive affirmations and previews of your photos will give you the confidence to allow you to push those insecurities away. 

Your Boudoir album should serve as a reminder you are beautiful and sexy. You are brave and bold. You are feeling a sense of confidence and accomplishment because you finally overcame a fear or insecurity. When overcoming a fear or sense of doubt it gives you the courage to overcome anything. What started off as a “scary” photoshoot has now become a tool of empowerment. Your pictures serve as a reminder that you are worthy, courageous, and strong. 

While many critics will try to make you feel bad or ashamed for doing a Boudoir Session don’t give them that power. Don’t let anyone try to diminish your self worth and value. Don’t let their insecurity of themself make you feel any less. Their insecurities projected on to you has more to do with them and less to do with the decisions you make about your body and choice to do what makes you happy in your life. Don’t let their insecurities steal your joy. 

A Boudoir photoshoot will bring you face to face with the stripped-down version of yourself. It is a moment where it is about you and only you. Then you begin to realize the newfound sense of power. The power of knowing your worth and value. The power of feeling proud of your self-love and empowerment. You will no longer be a bill payer to someone else’s insecurities.  You are worthy. Look in the mirror and tell yourself this. As uncomfortable this may seem to try it. You are beautiful. You are more. The more you tell yourself this the more you begin to believe it the more you will embody this.   

Knowing your value and worth will open up so many opportunities that fear would typically restrict you from doing. So if you are considering adding a Boudoir photoshoot to your bucket list it will be an exciting and scary experience and so worth the investment. It is never too late to invest in your self.

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Do you, Be you, Love you
Bohemian Life

The Value of Professional Photography

woman wearing mesh stockings
February 23, 2020

Providing a paid service as a creative comes with some challenges. Every artist can agree, you charge based on your value, worth, and operating costs. There is so much going into running a photography business that clients don’t see. There is a huge difference between being a professional photographer and a person with an expensive camera charging a fee as a side gig. For starters the administrative and operational fees that goes into running the actual business. Operating costs are built into the client fees, along with post-digital processing, albums, flash drives, and website. Photographers’ time is also a factor. While taking the actual photos is pretty fast, its the travel, post-processing, album. creation and edits are where the majority of the time is spent.  

The cool photos you see on Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest were done with a camera and the artistic technical creativity of Adobe Photoshop and LightRoom. The software to achieve those magical shots is not cheap. So ask yourself this, would you get a cheap tattoo? Would you hire a cheap contractor to build your house? How about a cheap haircut, or a cheap back-alley surgeon?  I am a firm believer in you pay for is what you get. Now everyone’s pockets are not deep or disposable, your decision to invest in service is driven by your ability to pay. Even with limited funds do you really want to take short cuts on something you want to hold and maintain for years to come? 

Behind the scene of a Water Shoot

I am going to just come out and say it. Everyone with an expensive camera and fancy lenses is not a professional photographer. This is just my opinión. Taking photos of a handful of Instagram Models does not make you a professional photographer. Some folks are what I call professional hobbyists. They do it for the love of the field, they will spend thousands on gear, and will take money for their services as a hustle. Some will get published in magazines because they love the craft. But will not make it a business. The difference between a professional hobbyist and a professional photographer is they have a business license (depending on your state, my state Virginia you are required) an LLC and an EIN. A professional does it full time and it is their source of income.  

A professional photographer who is serious about their craft and trade will spend a good amount of time and money learning and refining their technique. I will tell you those fancy effects that are a preset it took skills to create. Presets do save a great deal of time on editing but they cost money. 

As a client your decision to hire a professional photographer was due to wanting high quality, high-resolution photos, a camera phone, or point and click camera cannot do. The budget will drive the train on what you will pay for. Something to consider, the event you want to be captured. Do you want to look back years from the moment and reflect on the positive memories or do you want to constantly be reminded of the lack of quality from crappy photography? You want to invest in a professional who is passionate about their craft and respect the fact they are capturing a memory for you to immortalize? Or do you just want some random person who is cheap? A true professional will do more than just shoot and burn without taking the time to enhance your photos. 

Sugar Skull Glam shot by Bohemian Visions

Some people think the sophistication of smartphones ruined photography as a trade. As a professional photographer, I completely disagree. There is a lot a smartphone cannot do that a digital single-lens camera can. There is more to just photography than point a camera and pressing the shutter button. It is a fine balance of technical and creative art.

It is breathing life to an image and telling a compelling story without words. It is evoking an emotional response whether it was candid or posed. It’s the art that takes experience and training to refine and cultivate. The technical is the ability to process, color correct, and make the frame compelling.

Water Glam Shot By Bohemian Visions

Each style of photography is different and should have a specific style to fit the genre. A wedding photographer will shoot differently from a Boudoir and Maternity Photographer. Even though there are Photographers who are Generalist a Photographer that specializes in a focused area will fit your needs better. For example, do you want a Pediatrician treating you if you need brain surgery? No, you would want a Neuro-Surgeon right? Even though both doctors went to medical school they branched off and specialized. The same applies to a Photographer. 

Bohemian Visions specializes and is certified in Portrait and Boudoir Photography. Both fields are focused on intimate settings of telling a story of the client. The sessions are focused on building trust making the client feel connected, comfortable, and safe. It is not a rushed process. Because I specialize in two areas I can focus on making my technical and artistic craft better and refined. It is about creating art that is specific to the client’s needs.

A quality Photographer should be a good investment in your overall experience and memories. They are the key to preserving cherished moments that will outlast the physical bodies and pass down to future generations. Contrary to what critics may think. Invest in a professional who understands the importance of cherishing your most important moment and memories. There is no real price on an amazing experience and the ability to look back on it years later.

Do you, Be you, Love you 
Bohemian Life 

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