Bohemian Visions

Category: Bohemian Issues

COVID-19 Exposed the Failures of the American Government.

March 15, 2020

In the wake of COVID-19, I thought the disease was going to expose the vulnerability of the American healthcare system only. In just a week it did more than that. The mass hysteria has led folks to really show how inept they are in regards to compassion and kindness towards their fellow neighbors. There are social media videos of “Karen” fighting an old woman for a package of toilet paper. 

It’s one thing to see it online it is a sobering moment to see it live for yourself. Shelves of toilet paper, baby formula, and disinfectant cleaners gone. Shelves all but empty. Elderly and disabled people hopelessly looking for anything while selfish people roll passed them with mountains of supplies. 

Thanks to incorrect information, fear, and panic, basic items like toilet paper, hand sanitizer and disinfecting cleansers are no longer readily available. Even Amazon is sold out. To make matters worse the unavailability of these items has created capitalism that preys on the vulnerable and weak. Buying up everything and selling them for 1000 times the normal cost. In most states price gouging is illegal. Amazon and eBay are doing their parts to suspend these practices but it’s too late. 

Folks are literally in the streets freaking out like it’s an apocalypse. Fighting each other over toilet paper. Elderly and immunocompromised people too afraid to leave their homes. It’s like watching a scene from the 2013 movie World War Z where mass hysteria broke down all civility. And like every other end of world movie the Government failed miserably at getting ahead of the issue before it became a problem. Instead of deploying a Pandemic Response Team as soon as news broke in January the government dismissed and downplayed the issue as if it was a common cold. 


It is a sobering feeling seeing the news turn this disease into a weapon of mass fear and panic. Now businesses especially small businesses, the economy, and normal routines are affected. The stock market is entering a Bear Market. Schools at all levels are shutting down. Many businesses are making employees work remotely. While others are requiring their employees to show up without sick pay. This poses additional problems since schools have begun shutting down and daycares are closed. Single and low-income parents are the most affected. Social isolation is what they call it. A way of reducing the spread of the disease. Yet many people are refusing to listen. Many states have begun exercising mandatory curfews and shutting down public gathering facilities like theaters. Even my Pilates studio announced they were closing their doors.    

COVID-19 has now consumed every aspect of social media and the news. It is the topic of every conversation. Every other disease that’s come out did not disrupt the daily routine and lives of people. Measures were in place, testing in mass numbers was available. This time it’s not. Barely 1000 people are getting tested and hospitals are beginning to reach capacity, but not yet. 

This global pandemic only highlighted the failures of an incompetent government. Instead of getting ahead of the problem the administration did everything but acknowledge the fact they failed miserably at being proactive. Many people do not understand the restrictions are necessary. It is needed to prevent medical facilities from being overwhelmed. Despite these measures being a huge inconvenience it is necessary to minimize the spread of the disease. The biggest irony is Mexico is considering closing their borders to the U.S. oh the irony. Considering not that long ago it was the other way around due to racism. 

I have seen plenty of sci-fi movies where society collapses and the government fails to warn and protect its people. It is so surreal seeing this unfold in real life.  The level of incompetence exercised by the government seen in those movies is now a reality. The moment the disease was made public tests and preventive measures should have been in place. Instead, the president per usual went on his weekend vacation in Florida to play golf. Later the public discovered the Pandemic Response Team, a division of the National Security Council was fired and never replaced. Disclosed by the Speaker of the House herself. 

By the time the President pulled his head out of his four-point the panic, fear, and hysteria were out of control. The only source of competent information is the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.

The only thing this pandemic has made society realize is the government at all levels is beyond inept. Elected officials with their power-hungry corruption truly don’t care about the people they were supposed to represent. They only care about lining their pockets. While the people are struggling to stay afloat while they can’t go back to work due to fear and safety. Many are uncertain if they will be able to provide for their families. 

When the new tax laws were passed Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell rammed that bill in the early hours of the weekend. He wasted no time getting the bill passed and signed into law by no means necessary. When it came to getting a bill passed to help American families aid during these uncertain times he’s dragging his feet. Stating it will go into review. This is not the first time Senator McConnell has blocked bills from passing that benefited the working class  American People. His corruption has no limits because his peers and fellow Republicans are too coward to speak up.

The sad reality is the United States is not prepared or equipped to handle a nationwide mass casualty. The country doesn’t have the facilities and resources to handle the numbers other countries are facing. The majority of the working class population cannot afford healthcare. Before this pandemic young adults were rationing insulin because they couldn’t afford it. It’s extremely heartbreaking seeing videos and photos of the weak trying to fend for themselves thanks to the cruelty of society and the rich. 

While folks are walking around nonchalantly going about their business the gravity of this failure has not truly settled in. A few private businesses are getting the memo allowing customers to defer their payments and continue their services. Others haven’t sent any notifications. But the major bill owners like mortgages and auto loans don’t appear to be allowing customers to defer. 

This pandemic is going to cause a lot of financial hardships and cripple the middle class economically who are already struggling. While most won’t be sympathetic to the situation it’s going to have a snowball effect.  Lowering the interest rates and pumping money into the economy is not going to do anything but cause inflation because there is too much money. 

It is unknown the extent of the damage all this chaos has caused or will cause. It did expose some dangerous chinks in the financial and social armor. Hopefully, this will serve as a reminder to make it count in November. Seriously this isn’t morally right on all levels. Imagine if COVID-19 had a 99% fatality rate oh my god this would completely collapse society as we know it. 

Dangers of the Digital Mob, How Normal Logical People Turn into Sheep in Less than Five Minutes

December 7, 2019

According to Wikipedia, the Herd mentality, mob mentality and pack mentality, also lesser known as gang mentality, describes how people can be influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors on a primarily emotional, rather than rational, basis. When individuals are affected by mob mentality, they may make different decisions than they would have individually.


If you google herd/mob mentality, there is an image of bulls falling off a cliff. I have seen similar photos of sheep and even people falling off a cliff. The picture is very poignant because it pretty much depicts how fans of Actors, Entertainers, Social Media Influencers react in mass on digital platforms.


In the last couple of years, I have observed the digital mob has gotten out of control. Fans or Stans some people like to call them have lashed out in such ferocity over simple disagreements. Some celebrities have come out publicly to condemn these behaviors, while others remain silent. These fans have taken their love for the artist to a terrifying level. It’s almost to the point of worshipping these celebrities as if they are divine beings or Gods. Lord forbids if a celebrity or influencer publicly disagrees with a topic or issue, let alone outright say they don’t like the star their fans, flood the individual’s social media account with emojis and horrifying comments.


Wishing someone to die, commit suicide, or threaten their personal safety is beyond wrong. Like seriously, there is something wrong with this. Mobs, whether in person or digital, are hard to control. When they are unleashed, the damage is unknown. Some have recovered from the brutal attacks, while some are deeply scarred. Regardless of the situation or opinions of the specific topic. The person on the receiving end of this attack is a human being, with feelings and personal insecurities. I am sure their disagreement did not intend of such backlash. No one deserves that type of attack in mass. No one does. Tens of thousands of “Stans” flooding your comments and inbox with hateful, bigoted comments are alarming and worrisome. I am sure when 10,000 plus people leave messages of wishing you died, you would be bothered by it as well.


I will repeat this it’s wrong beyond wrong. That celebrity’s job is to entertain the masses with their art form. Their art is inspiring and captivating. It touches the fans to the core in an almost divine manner. It can be relatable, helpful in overcoming a personal struggle or inspire the individual to pursue their own dreams. As a fan myself, we are motivated by their almost inhuman ways of achieving their art in such feet. One must also remember that entertainer is a human being with feelings and struggles they are not a God or Goddess despite how big their egos maybe. Whether you are an ordinary person with 80 followers or a celebrity with 80 million followers, everyone is human and are entitled to their opinions and thoughts. Instead of attacking, look at the situation from a different perspective. Everyone deserves to be treated like a human being with decency and respect. Next time you decide to express outrage in defense of your beloved artist on social media, think about the tens of thousands of fellow stans/fans who are doing the same thing. One sting can hurt, but hundreds of thousands of stings can be fatal.


If you find yourself on the receiving end of some mass hate, take a breath and log off the internet for 24-48 hours. Your need to defend and fight back will be pointless because the numbers will be overwhelming. I promise you the less you comment the faster it will die down. The good news is Stans have very short attention spans and will move on to the next thing to be mad at. Silence is your best option. By the end of the week, your beef will be old news as long as the hornet’s nest doesn’t get kicked around. I know from first-hand experience.


Just remember the solution to cyberbullying is to block and delete. If the cyber-attacks are small and manageable it will stop. If you have a large following, log off and take a social media break for a while. Its not worth your mental health entertaining or fighting a crowd who won’t listen to reason.

Do you, Be you, Love you
Bohemian Life

Plastic Surgery a Double Edge Sword of Contradictory

October 2, 2019

Cosmetic surgery is not “cosmetic,” and human flesh is not “plastic.” Even the names trivialize what it is. It’s not like ironing wrinkles in fabric, or tuning up a car, or altering outmoded clothes, the current metaphors. Trivialization and infantilization pervade the surgeons’ language when they speak to women: “a nip,” a “tummy tuck.”…Surgery changes one forever, the mind as well as the body. If we don’t start to speak of it as serious, the millennium of the man-made woman will be upon us, and we will have had no choice.
NAOMI WOLF, The Beauty Myth

Looking for quotes for this article, many influential people viewed Plastic Surgery as something insecure people undergo. Maybe that’s not the case. Everybody dislikes something about their bodies. What’s wrong with doing something about it? Yes, the media does focus on individuals who go to the extremes lot achieve this perceived view of perfection, but what about those who simply want to feel comfortable in their bodies? Major or minor changes or so-called body improvements.


According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of Plastic Surgery is a branch of surgery concerned with improving the function or appearance of parts of the body through reconstructive or cosmetic medical procedures. Basically, if you physically alter any form of your body regardless of the reason, it’s plastic surgery. Many people choose to address their physical insecurities through plastic surgery procedures. While others don’t do it for various reasons.

For the purpose of information and insight, this discussion is for cosmetic, elective surgery. Reconstructive surgery meaning the person undergoes the procedure due to severe damage from a disease or trauma. This type of surgery is excluded from this discussion because the procedure was medically necessary. This discussion is targeted towards individuals who elected to have a procedure for strictly cosmetic reasons outside of disease and trauma. Quite frankly it’s nobodies business what a person decided to do with their bodies. It’s their choice and dollars.


Everyone has insecurities some manage to deal with them while others obsess compulsively over them. Disorders derive from them. Young and older people develop eating disorders, dysphoric body disorders, anxiety, depression, and every other mental health disorder known to man. All because they are trying to achieve some level of perfection. It’s not a pleasant situation. Some people seek help to recover fully, others continue to struggle, and sadly, some succumb to the battle, and their lives are cut short tragically.

Heres where the social contradictions lie. Social media, mainstream media, and general society as a whole have created unrealistic standards of beauty. PhotoShop and Face Tune give people the ability to change their appearance ultimately, but it warps the perception of beauty. Once again, that’s none of my business. What becomes problematic is when people in the position of influence, meaning the beauty and entertainment industry impose this unrealistic standard of beauty when marketing to the general population. It’s a double edge sword when mainly women and young girls alter their appearance to look like said celebrity/influencer, they are dragged on social media for going under the knife to achieve this standard of beauty.


Being a woman, even a man living in the United States is Rough, I mean it’s literally like being stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the standards of beauty. If you’re in the entertainment industry, it’s even worse. The contradictions and hypocrisy the general public has towards plastic surgery are almost hilarious when you actually sit back, listen, and observe. Who wants every inch of their bodies, examined, critiqued, rated on this unrealistic standard?


Girls as young as 18 are opting for lip fillers, breast augmentation, and other procedures to look like their favorite celebrities for graduation gifts instead of a car or summer trip. In 2018 NATIONAL PLASTIC SURGERY STATISTICS from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons showed a break down of cosmetic procedures. Looking at the number of Breast Augmentations, Lip Fillers, Butt Implants, Liposuction has increased more than 50% since the previous year. So what does that mean? Besides the fact, a lot of people are going under the knife, but many who do are bashing others for their decision while doing the same thing in private.

In public, they stand on their soapbox lecturing a complete stranger on why they should love their body, but in the dark researching how they can get a tummy tuck or breast implants. It’s a double edge sword, you want to look and feel your best, not become obsessed with it. Many influencers and celebrities are honest about their elective procedures by sharing their stories on their platforms. Yet when you scroll through their comments, the nasty judgment is right there. Those who don’t publicly admit it, or claim their bodies are natural are met with the same judgment. It seems if you’re in the public eye, you can’t seem to win. The best approach is to ignore negative comments altogether. This comes from having a strong sense of self-love, a stable support system, and a grip on reality that no matter how big your platform is, people are just flat out rude and disgusting and don’t realize, these ugly comment is a direct reflection on their own insecurities and self-loathing. It’s completely normal to feel insecure about a feature, it’s ok to want to improve those you deem imperfect as long as you the individual are happy with the outcome.


Whether you chose to under the knife to modify something you don’t like, it’s your choice and your body. As long as you are happy with your decision and can live without regrets who cares what some Internet troll or stranger cares. It’s your life.

Do you, Be you, Love you.
Bohemian Life

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