Many people don’t know that Boudoir is French defined as a woman’s private sitting room or bedroom. Some people recognize Boudoir as a genre of photography that is sensual or sexual. Others see it as nude photography. The majority of the time it is taken of women but men and couples participate as well. Despite this style of photography have been around for 100 years. Many don’t know what it is. When I tell people what type of photography I shoot I still get asked what it is. The most simplified answer I give is intimate portrait photography in various stages of undress. It ranges from T-shirt and shorts or fully nude. It’s all about the client(s) level of comfort.
As a Professional Boudoir Photographer, I will tell you its more than just taking pictures. It’s about connecting or reconnecting with yourself on an intimate level. Boudoir photography isn’t without its own set of challenges. Some people feel its just a way for pervert photographers to see women naked. A means to kidnap women or force women into sex trafficking. I would be lying if that wasn’t the case. A small number of men with cameras who claim to be photographers have done it and the risk is there. Like other scams as a potential client do your thorough research. Be diligent in asking all questions.
Once you decide you want to do a Boudoir photoshoot, research the photographer. Do they have a website outside of social media? Are there customer testimonials and reviews like Google, Youtube, Yelp, or Bing? What type of women is in their gallery/portfolio “models” or “regular” everyday women? Are you comfortable having a man or a woman photographer? What type of services, packages are offered? Most important can you bring a friend? As a photographer, I would caution hiring a photographer that refuses to have a friend or partner come to your session. Especially if the location in their home. If you are not comfortable with this policy do speak up. This is your session don’t allow anyone to make you feel uncomfortable.
So you have selected your photographer, schedule your consultation, and now anxiety, fear, self-consciousness, excitement is all going through your mind. I will tell you those feelings are completely normal. You are not alone. During your consultation ask all the questions, you can think of. Trust me these are nothing new many times some questions are so common they are located in the FAQ on the website.

Ask yourself do you feel comfortable with the photographer during the initial conversation? Are you comfortable with them photographing you in the most flattering way? Do you feel comfortable having a stranger take pictures of you in lingerie or less? Trust your gut if there is a lemon poppy seed of doubt move on. There are plenty of other photographers. Are they experienced in photographing women of all sizes? Are their services inside of your price range? If the answer is yes and you are ready its time to make the leap. You pay your deposit and schedule your photoshoot.
You go home and look in the mirror and now fear and anxiety start to go into overdrive. Every scar, stretchmark, and imperfections seem to magnify. Insecurity begins to take over. STOP!!!!! Breathe!!! Take a deep breath. There is no such thing as perfection. Refocus on why you wanted to do this. Remember what it was that gave you the idea to do this. Your deposit is paid you are all in. You are beautiful your partner tells you this already. You get compliments from strangers. You are amazing, your Kid(s) show you this. Remember every commercial photo of celebrities and influencers is photoshopped. This includes social media posts. It’s layered with filters and Facetune modifications. Many of them go under the knife to look like each other. You are a special gem.
It’s the day of your session you are nervous and that is perfectly ok. Those feelings are very normal. Your hair looks amazing, your makeup is beautiful. Your outfit is selected. Your photographer will ensure you are comfortable and will take a few frames to check the lighting and composition. You will be guided and assisted. Soon your session is over. You have seen your photos and you are in love. You didn’t think you could look so beautiful. You didn’t think you can be seen as sexy. Yet you are. When I do a reveal with my clients I show them the unedited photos to reassure them of their beauty. Editing should only focus on color correction and enhancements. Any major changes to the client’s body completely defeat the purpose of body positivity.

Your so call imperfections is what makes you uniquely you. You don’t need to lose any more weight. Your photographer is a professional and will listen to your concerns. They will shoot you in the most flattering way and make you feel amazing and comfortable. Your fears and concerns will go away halfway through your session. The positive affirmations and previews of your photos will give you the confidence to allow you to push those insecurities away.
Your Boudoir album should serve as a reminder you are beautiful and sexy. You are brave and bold. You are feeling a sense of confidence and accomplishment because you finally overcame a fear or insecurity. When overcoming a fear or sense of doubt it gives you the courage to overcome anything. What started off as a “scary” photoshoot has now become a tool of empowerment. Your pictures serve as a reminder that you are worthy, courageous, and strong.

While many critics will try to make you feel bad or ashamed for doing a Boudoir Session don’t give them that power. Don’t let anyone try to diminish your self worth and value. Don’t let their insecurity of themself make you feel any less. Their insecurities projected on to you has more to do with them and less to do with the decisions you make about your body and choice to do what makes you happy in your life. Don’t let their insecurities steal your joy.
A Boudoir photoshoot will bring you face to face with the stripped-down version of yourself. It is a moment where it is about you and only you. Then you begin to realize the newfound sense of power. The power of knowing your worth and value. The power of feeling proud of your self-love and empowerment. You will no longer be a bill payer to someone else’s insecurities. You are worthy. Look in the mirror and tell yourself this. As uncomfortable this may seem to try it. You are beautiful. You are more. The more you tell yourself this the more you begin to believe it the more you will embody this.
Knowing your value and worth will open up so many opportunities that fear would typically restrict you from doing. So if you are considering adding a Boudoir photoshoot to your bucket list it will be an exciting and scary experience and so worth the investment. It is never too late to invest in your self.

Do you, Be you, Love you
Bohemian Life