photo of woman wearing gray bra

Boudoir Photography Blog

The Reluctant Client: How to Push Your Past Your Hesitation & Fear

Your friend just shot a Boudoir Session with Bohemian Visions and she is raving about how amazing the experience was and how great she felt. She gives you the play by play of the entire evening. She tells you about how she was greeted by the photographer, hair, and makeup team. The location was high end and the entire experience was a fantasy that came true. She continues to gush about the experience and she can’t wait to see her completed album. A few weeks go by and her album arrives. A leather-bound cover with her name engraved in the front. Your friend is in tears because she loves her album and allows you to look. You can’t help but notice the quality of the album, thick pages, leather cover, and how amazing her photos look. Your mouth almost dropped. She is practically glowing; surprised at how amazing the photos look. You agree that she does indeed look amazing. 

Photo by cottonbro on

Your friend turns to you and says, “you look amazing and have a great body. You should do one too. You have a birthday coming up and when was the last time you were spoiled and pampered?” Looking at your friend you are thinking, “she is right.” She whips out her phone, shows you the website and assures you Bohemian Visions is the best option. The experience and moment will leave you feeling like a goddess. To ensure you didn’t forget you searched the website on your phone and bookmarked it. Later that night you comb through the entire website and social media. You later learned the photographer has a Youtube Channel and want to get to know her and the team. 

Reflecting back on your friend’s excitement and the extra pep in her step you think to yourself,  your birthday is in a couple of months and it’s been a long time since you were spoiled and pampered the way your friend described. Before you click on the consultation link and schedule an appointment you freeze. All of your insecurities come flooding in and you begin to second guess yourself. You begin questioning “Why should you do it? “Am I pretty.enough?” Fit enough?” “Sexy enough?”

Boudoir photography is very intimidating for a lot of people. Society and its standard of beauty and sexiness changes with each decade.  Changing fads drive people to extreme diets and visits to the neighborhood plastic surgeon. Social media doesn’t help the situation either.  As a woman I am not exempt from those insecurities. With wisdom and maturity I have learned to take control of how I view my body and learned to love my flaws and imperfections. 

Focused on Inclusion & Body Positivity

photo of woman standing near wall
Photo by Jennifer Enujiugha on

As a boudoir photographer, I have seen all shapes and sizes of the human form. I say human form because it doesn’t matter what you identify as because you have the unalienable right to deserve to feel your best. It’s about inclusion and acceptance. Bohemian Visions is geared towards everyday people in all sizes and shapes. Men, Women, and Couples who want to feel sensual and sexy and connect with themselves. People regardless of what they identify as who want to celebrate a milestone or want a sexy unique gift for their spouses/ partners. The majority of the clientele are women. I shoot very few male clients outside of couple sessions. Even though I tell women who are interested in a session they are beautiful and sexy just the way they are there is still reluctance and hesitation.  

photo of topless man and woman hugging each other
Photo by Ana Maria Moroz on

I will be unapologetically candid. Boudoir photography is a scary situation if you already don’t like having your photos taken. If you have major insecurities about your body a Boudoir photoshoot will be a far reach. You start zeroing in and focusing on parts of your body that you don’t like whether it’s the cellulite on your thighs, the shape of your breasts, or your abdomen — it all becomes glaringly magnified. All women including myself have an area of their body they wish would not be there. Many don’t realize some of those “flaws” are attributed to fighting gravity, an injury, or growing older. So what is causing people to be reluctant about celebrating themselves in a sensual and sexy manner?

It’s even more difficult looking for representation you can see yourself in. It’s not just women who have issues with their bodies; men do too. Many who identify as men feel they have to look a certain way or have a particular set of features in order to take semi nude to nude portraits. Then there is the reluctance in the LGBT community due to lack of representation or finding a photographer who is welcoming without being creepy, phobic, or just flat out weird. Bohemian Visions is very inclusive and believes in creating a safe space where you can both be vulnerable and at your very best. 

How do you push past your hesitation?

photo of woman wearing gray bra
Photo by Retha Ferguson on

So what is holding you back from crossing off a Boudoir Session from your bucket list? Is it body image? Judgment from friends and family members? Is it finding the right photographer you can trust and feel comfortable with? If it’s a body image concern, remember there is only one of you and that fact makes you unique and special. There are people who spend thousands on plastic surgery to look like someone else. That money could be saved with a good therapist. You would be surprised how many people have wanted body parts someone else has and doesn’t want. There is someone in the world spending money on a plastic surgeon for features you were born with. Focus on what you love about yourself and what areas of your body you appreciate or what parts of your body appeal to your partner if it’s a gift for them. Self-love starts with self.  Is it fear of judgment? I will put this very bluntly — fuck what anyone thinks. Live your life sweetheart. We live in a society where people find insult in a litter of newborn puppies. Their judgment of you and how you live your life is a reflection of their insecurities or personal hang-ups that seriously has nothing to do with you. 

Is it finding a photographer who you feel safe and comfortable with? Research all the potential photographers in your area. Do you want a male or female photographer? How do they feel about you bringing a friend? Before you commit to a photographer, check out their work, ask a lot of questions. I mean a lot of questions. If you don’t feel comfortable with the vibe listen to and trust your gut instincts.   

It’s absolutely ok to be nervous and excited about your photoshoot. These emotions are more common than you think. Just remember you are beautiful and sexy in your own unique way. Confidence and self esteem are the two most sensual and sexy features a person possesses. When you decide to book a session with Bohemian Visions you will have a team of professionals who are focused on having you feel like a celebrity goddess. Your album will be a reminder you can push past the fear and reluctance providing that extra boost of confidence that will make you do anything you put your heart and mind to. 

Remember you are fierce and fabulous you are unique and amazing. What ever you decide to do, make sure your heart is in it. Your happiness is all that matters.

Until next time 
Do you, Be you, Love you. 

Your Consult Book Your Session Now!

A member of our team will contact you via text to schedule a consult with you.

Ready to embark on your journey to empowerment and self-expression? Contact Bohemian Visions today to schedule your consultation and experience the luxury of boudoir photography at its finest.