The location of a Photoshoot is one of the most important aspects of any quality session. It sets the mood and establishes the story the photos are trying to convey. For Bohemian Visions, it ties into our overall aesthetic and the feelings associated with a customized, high-quality photoshoot. When planning a Boudoir or Portrait session, the location is included in the package and geared towards the personality or theme of both the subject and the photoshoot. If it is a glamour session for a campaign, the location serves primarily for the mood and feel to attract future clients. If it is a client session, the location is based on their personality and the theme that drives the session.
For the adventurous, photographing at multiple locations breaks up the monotony and gives a sense of excitement to the team and the client. I love picking locations that have personality and charm. It helps tell the story of the session versus just being at a random location with a limited amount of time.

Hotels, Air BnBs, and or the client’s home are just a couple of places I like to do photoshoots. The location is one of the principle characters, that is essential to the evolution of the story. One of the certain things I look for when selecting a location is space. Open spacious bedrooms, sitting rooms, and living rooms are a starter for setting the ambience. Large, full length mirrors can capture reflections and various perspectives. Mirrors also give a sensual spin to candid moments. Even though I prefer large spaces, small ones conversely give a sense of intimacy and closeness. Dim lighting and candlelight gives off a romantic ambiance with the use of shadows and lines.
Locations with lots of windows offer natural lighting. I also like shooting from outside through a window to give a sensation of voyeurism. When the client makes eye contact with my camera then it changes to exhibitionism. This is especially sexy if I want to convey the fantasy and excitement of being watched versus being a watcher. Cityscapes and skylines offer a texture that’s noisy but calm. Sunsets through treelines on a back patio give a feeling of escape and serenity. Outdoors during Golden hour when the skies are clear gives an air of relaxation and calmness.
Furniture pieces such as chairs, chaise lounges, sofas and beds can also be a character in the story. Vintage pieces offer texture and depth, especially oversized furniture.

While I am generally liberal about the desires of a client, there are places I will not shoot under any circumstances. Plantations are at the top of (and currently the sole occupants) of my list. The deep-rooted history associated with chattel slavery, to include its brutality, murder, and genocide, makes this a hard pass. No matter how beautiful the architecture, the stain from the blood of my ancestors will never wash away. Many may not understand or agree, but to me, it’s about moral principles. It’s the only location I have a serious issue with doing a photoshoot regardless of the situation. While I typically choose the location and cover the cost of the rental. I do give my clients the option to select a location. I do communicate my objections and reasons. I have yet run into an issue regarding a location but if the client is insistent on having their session at a plantation property I will politely decline the job together. I cannot compromise my morals for money.

Outdoor venues come with some specific challenges. First, is the location legal to photograph? Many require permits and licenses. Some locations require additional fees to shoot. Is there heavy pedestrian traffic? There is nothing worse than spending an unnecessary amount of time photoshopping people out of the frame. Time and weather will always have a vote. You are at the mercy of the venue’s hours of operations. When it comes to outdoors nudes and boudoir is a tricky balance. You don’t want to get entangled with the police. While guerrilla photoshoots add an element of excitement and adventure it’s not worth being arrested, fined, or charged with various crimes.
In short, these are a few of the considerations I take to ensure that the location of your shoot adds to the magic of the moment versus being a distraction. Great photography is more of an art than science and I look forward to using my artistic intuition to bring your photos to life.
Do you, Be you, Love you
Bohemian Life