topless man with green and red floral tattoo on his right arm

Boudoir Photography Blog

Men are Like a Bottle of Wine, Just Read the Labels and Warnings so You Know What You Get.


I have found a whole new appreciation for men they are truly like wine, just have to figure out what works with and for the pallet. Do you want them young and sweet like Moscato or Mature and refined like Pino? Do you want red, blush, rose or white? Do you prefer sweet or dry? The type that hits your taste buds with the first sip, or the kind that lingers in the back of your pallet after the last swallow. Like the grapes it takes to make, you get stomped on, spit out after only one taste, passed off, and requiring lots of time and patience. Like men, wine comes from many different vineyards that have their individual style and signature. No two bottles of Chardonnay are the same. So why expect that from men. It takes the right glass to bring out the full aroma and flavor of Pino Noire. Just like the right niche and motivation to bring out the best in a man.

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But a true Woman appreciates the art and time it takes to develop into the right flavor whether its by her own hand or another. For me, I am proud to say I am mature enough to spot the bottle of Boones Farm and Mad Dog 20/20 pretending to be of high quality. Its the bootleg type that makes you sick with a hangover. That makes it difficult to appreciate quality. Even Cheap table wine can go either way it’s all about what works for the individual person and their situation. On the flip side, an expensive bottle will go rancid if it isn’t cared for correctly. Often times the female sex bash, complain, criticize, and judge. Yet usually don’t take time to take it in with all five senses and absorb. A person of value knows how to recognize the Top Shelf but also knows how to recognize the hidden notes that don’t surface. Recognize what works and what doesn’t. This comes with time, experience, and patience to enjoy the pleasures life has to offer.


So whether you have a bottle over dinner, a glass to unwind after a long day at work, or to set the mood for a romantic night. Cheers to the quality bottles both young and mature I appreciate the bull you put up with and the work you go through. It’s hard not being recognized for all you do. But like wine, with the right environment and conditions over time, you will flourish and thrive and be your best self to the fullest.

Do you, Be you, Love you
Bohemian Life

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